Get A Quote On Shelving Get a Quote on Shelving Use following form to request a quote. We will respond your request within one business day. Product to Purchase:- Please select items required from following options Metal Shelving Heavy Duty Bolt less Shelving Pallet Rack shelving Carton Flow RackingCondition of Shelving- Select -Used Shelving OnlyNew Shelving OnlyNew or Used Metal Shelving Details: Style of Shelving- Select -Closed Back Open side ShelvingClosed Back Closed side shelvingOpen side open back shelvingBin shelvingShelf Size- Select -18"D x 36"W18"D x 48"W24"D x 36"W24"D x 48"W12"D x 36"W15"D x 36"WOther sizeDetails about Bin sizeEnter total No Shelf required per BayEnter other Shelf SizePost Height (in inches)- Select -72"84"98"111"OtherEnter other Height of PostEnter total No of lines or Total starter units of shelvingEnter total No of Add on units of shelvingTotal No of bays OrderedNumber of Ordered Shelf levelsNeed Any Additional Shelf levels?Need Shelf divider?- Select -YesNoShelf divider Size?- Select -17"D x 6"H15"D x 12"HAny other Specific Detail? Heavy Duty Bolt less Shelving Details: Style of Shelving- Select -Rivetier Bolt lessLozier stock roomShelf Size- Select -18"D x 48"W24"D x 48"WEnter total No Shelf required per BayEnter other Shelf SizePost Height (in inches)- Select -84"OtherEnter other Height of PostEnter total No of lines or Total starter units of shelvingEnter total No of Add on units of shelvingTotal No of bays OrderedNumber of Ordered Shelf levelsNeed Any Additional Shelf levels?Total No of Ordered Shelf levelsAny other Specific Detail? Pallet Rack shelving Details: Choose your Need 24"D 36"D - For 2 sided Access 48"D - for 2 sided Access Height of Upright- Select -8 ft10 ft12 ftOtherEnter Other Height of UprightNo of Pick Levels / Bay- Select -2345678910Enter The Total Exact length of Line Space you want to cover with pallet rack shelving (in feet)Enter No of similar LinesAdd details here if all lines are not of similar lengthDecking Type - Select -Outside WaterfallInside WaterfallLay in - Flat FlushWooden DeckingAnyone of thisNeed Wire deck Divider?- Select -YesNoAdd Any other Details Cartoon Flow Racking: Choose your Need 48"D 96"D 120"D 144"D Height of Upright- Select -8 ft10 ft12 ftOtherEnter Other Height of UprightBeam Length- Select -96"108"120"144"OtherOther Length of Beam in inchesNo of Pick Levels or Beam levels / Bay- Select -2345678OtherEnter The Total Number of starter BaysEnter the total number of Add on BaysTotal Number of Span trackSpan Track Width = Max carton Width - 2"- Select -6"9"12"15"18"24"Number of Span track per beam levelTotal Beam QuantityAny Other accessories? Contact Information: First NameLast NameCompany / Business NamePhone/MobileEmailWarehouse Location AddressCityStateZip codeCountryShipping Required?- Select -YesNoInstallation Required?- Select -YesNoStandard Loading Dock onsite Available? - Select -YesNoCommonly Found dock height is 48-52 Inches.Drive up ramp / Ground level access on site?- Select -YesNoThis is Required to evaluate if side loading or unloading is possible on Flat Bed?Have Dedicated Equipment to use for Installation? Forklift Scissor Lift APR need to provide Equipment What type of location is it?- Select -Business with a dockBusiness without dockBusiness with Drive up Ramp or Ground level access with forkliftResidential or Non CommercialOther Details: (Any specific condition Or Dead line to install?)How did you hear about us?Finance Required?- Select -YesNoHow easy was this form? Please Rate- Select -EasySomewhat EasyComplicated Upload Warehouse Floor Plan Or Rack level profile drawing Or any Rough Available Detail on requirements. Choose File Submit