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New Wire Decks / Wire Decking

Buy New Wire decks Straight From Manufacturer

ImageProduct DescriptionPriceQuantityAdd to quote
New Standard Wire DecksNew Standard Wire Decks$15.07$47.86
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New Flared Wire DecksNew Flared Wire Decks$16.12$36.38
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New Metal Pallet SupportNew Metal Pallet Support$6.59$12.00
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New Inside Waterfall Wire DecksNew Inside Waterfall Wire Decks$27.39$34.33
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New Lay In Wire DecksNew Lay In Wire Decks$21.78
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New Wire Decks For Pallet Racking System

Wire decks are accessory of pallet rack system. Following are advantages & tips to choose right kind decking in your storage system.

    • Wire decks serves as horizontal support & it prevents falling of pallets or products through your pallet rack shelves.
    • Wire decks easy to install compare to other deckings.
    • It is important to choose right size or right type of  wire decking.There are several different kinds of decks to choose but best option is wire mesh decking. Upright depth, Beam length & Purpose of use actually determines right size & right type of wire deck.
    • It is best practice to use same or higher capacity wire deck than the capacity of pallet rack beam. In the event if pallet just seats uniformly on wire deck & not on beam, the load is still consider secured as wire deck it self is capable to take that pallet load.
    • Wire decks must be secured to prevent from falling through the beam. Wire decks not designed to capture the beam, must need to secure by screwing, Riveting or other means to prevent beams from spreading under load.
    • Outside waterfall wire decks leaps over the beam & stay secured without screwing. This makes it most easy to install & use.
    • For Hand pick or case picks, Lay in or Drop in wire decks are widely used as operator can easily read or scan barcode as there are no leaps outside.
    • Lay in flat flush kind wire decks with closer 1″ x 4″ wire patterns or wood decking are widely used in retail diplay racks as it gives additional benefit to secure smaller base retail items like shops or shampoo bottles.
    • Capacity of wire decks are given for uniformly distributed static load.
    • Wire decks are not designed to be walked or stood upon as it gives point load. Also,Surface of wire decks are flexible & irregular & in the event of lateral motion, decks may slide upon the supporting beams or tip upward or disanggaged from beam & may casuse person to trip or fall.
flared wiredeck

New Flared Chanel Wire Decks

This kind of wire decks best suits for Box and Structural Beams where there is no step available for load distribution.

New Inside Water fall Wire Decks

This kind of wire decks best suits for retail display shelve. For retail shelf, beam face height is smaller and there is very little space for price display or barcode.

New Lay in Flush wire decks for Retail Hand pick

In addition to inside waterfall, this kind of wiredeck have 1x4 wire mesh pattern which suits best for small boxes in retail environment.
new metal pallet support

New Metal Pallet Support

Pallet supports creates an additional level of support and distribute the weight of heavy items on pallet rack beams. It prevents pallets from sagging and collapsing.
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